Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So Long Farewell`` it's hard to say goodbye~~

hUAAA~~~~~~~setiap pertemuan pasti ada PERPISAHAN..semua orang benci dengan perpisahan...hari ni last day my best buddy, my office mate, kawan aku lepak, kawan dengar luahan ati aku, kwn gossip aku..HUAAAAAAAAAA!! sedih ni..lepas ni mesti aku BUHSAN giler..tkder lagi lepak malam2 smpi kul 12 kt starbuck..tgk cuti jauh2 same..ish..cepat betul mase berlalu.....kejam kelip kejam kelip..dier dah nak balik tinggalkan JB..tinggalkan office yang semua org dah tak suke ni..aper tak ex boss aku yang same2 masuk ngan aku dulu pun dah blah..ramai betul org blah dari co. ni..yang tinggal aku..aku dan aku...yang mcm org BODOH!! kena campak sana..campak masih ade kt co. ni.....HUAAA!!! :( nak buat mcm mane ini pilihan yang aku buat~~ nak tarik ini satu percaturan..mmmmmmmph..aper2 pun..yana~~ HUAAAA..We'll MISS YOU SO MUCH!! jgn lupe kite org kat sini..........

Thursday, June 03, 2010


today x der mood nak keje..rase nak pegi tempat yang tkder org..duduk sorang2 bertafakur..takder org ganggu~~~~~~~~~memikirkan masalah yang x settle2..agaknyer kalo aku mati baru semua nak berbaik kot..emo plak tak pasal2 entahlah dunia...plz i begging you plzz dont put blame on each me...!!!!


WUISSSSSSSSSSSSSh....menyesal sgt.......hUAAAAA..kalau lah aku ade pisau mcm citer prince of persia confirm aku patah balik aper yg terjadik petang tadi..mesti aku tekan pisau tuuuuuuuu...sekarang plzzzzzzz...HELP ME..BOngok abis ni..why aku citer kt orang tu???aperlah yg dier tgh pikir pasal aku ek?? confirm dier fikir isssh...budak ni entah aper2 ntah....OMG help me... i always buat benda bodoh that i am not supposed to do....tambahkan lagi masalah....your problem pun x settle ..then tambahkan lagi.. ingat nk mintak advise..but last2 MALU sendiri..why aku citer kt dier??? WHY?? WHY?? aku citer pada org yang salah?? eventhough he respond well but BODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOhnyer citer kt DIER..nk nangis ni... :(:(

Monday, May 31, 2010

LETIH...~~~ KO~~

"Have You Ever?"

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever been in love
Been in love so bad
You'd do anything to make them understand
Have you ever had someone steal your heart away
You'd give anything to make them feel the same
Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart
But you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start

Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all of your life
You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes
Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to
Only to find that one won't give their heart to you
Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there
And all you can do is wait for the day when they will care

What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby
What do I gotta say to get to your heart
To make you understand how I need you next to me
Gotta get you in my world
'Cuz baby I can't sleep
[gambar hiasan..tkder kena mengena antara yg hidup @ yg mati)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Cinta Sempurna - Yuna

Aku manusia lemah
Selalu terjatuh
Berbeda aku darimu
Kau berdiri teguh
Aku serba tiada
Aku kekurangan
Dan bila kau tiba aku hilang dari kewujudan

Sempurnanya sifatmu
Telusnya hatimu
Jujurnya niatmu
Tingginya kesbrnmu
Lepaskanlah diriku
Kerna aku
tak mampu tuk memnaggung sebuah cinta sempurna
Darimu ohhh
Darimu ohhhh

Bukan aku tak pernah
Mengerti dirmu
ku sanjung setiap kata cinta kau berikan aku
Hilangkan rasa itu
Akhirkankan semua
Dan bila kau sedar
Aku hilang dari kewujudan

Sempurnanya sifatmu
Telusnya hatimu
Jujurnya niatmu
Tingginya kesbrnmu
Lepaskanlah diriku
Kerna aku
Tak mampu tuk menanggung sebuah cinta sempurna darimu
Darimu ohhh
Darimu ohhhh

i luv this song very much eventhough takde kena mengena ngan aku..wehweh..try tuk kaitkan gak..but tak kena lsg...kuekuek.,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Minggu2 yang Berlalu ~~~~~~~

my dear blog~~ baru balik cuti seminggu.....bestnyer release semua kesengsaraan..hahah..lately me, my self tak bz langsung..menghitung saat, minute, jam, hehehe.. seperti biase..nak buat aper ni?? buat mcm bzlah aper lagi..baru balik dari pulau bersame2 office mate..terase mcm bujang...kuekukue..but feel guiltylah pulak with my husband n mycomel2 son n daughter, mama promise ok next time mama will bring all of you to go for HOLIDAY ok? gi mane?? just name it..Chewah!! mcm millionaire lah pulak...I really enjoy the moment with friends..BESt, ReleASe TenSion, HAPpy...heheh.last monday,baru naik new boss and also my dearest boss admitted...o..o..ohhh thats mean i have no work again..again n again.heheh..bosanlah pulak, mintak orang bagi keje~~macam maner ni??? byk keje susah takder keje pun susah....OMG..what should i do?? Buat Bodoh..yes this is the best word...

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Hari yang mengantuk~~ now dah kena transfer kat subsidiary but NO Document refuse to do that!! huahuahua..buat cam co. sendiri lah plak..BUT.. i back to basic..buat aper lagi...Secretary work ..HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :( i also hate this JOB..ayu..come already 31 years career path, no promotion, and then you go back to do the first things u do right after you graduate~~ kuakuakua..WHAT SHOULD I DO ???? advise plz...TENSION, SAD, DEMOTED, UNAPPRECIATED ++ --banyaklah..eventhough keje kat sini not bad, boss so far so good, semuanyer ok.. but how about my career path..buat keje secretary sampai mati..OMG!! kalau mcm tu takyahlah aku penat 2 further study.. i dah apply ambik MBA..insyallah bulan 7 ni fikir balik ..untuk aper?? apply for my secretarial work?? mcm tu ka?? allo ayu... tukar to another aperlah yang ader kat johor ni?? peluang keje teruk giler..hhhhhhuish.. BLANK..toint..toingggggg ***

Friday, January 29, 2010

BOSS yang B.nG.K!!

hhhhhhhhhhhuhu..hidup penuh complicated...its happened to me now...langit tak sentiasa terang..betul ker ayat tu.. last wednesday.. i heard i will be transfered to another PDV..kiranye anak syarikatlah.......what the HELL!!! but still boleh terima coz my current boss pun mcm S..L!! Dahlah masuk PDV kena transfer ke Document Controller...hello..aku tak suke giler buat keje petang tu si SHIT tu panggil aku masuk bilik meeting..dgn berlagaknyer dier bagitau " Ayu, you tahu tak you ditransferkan ke Medini" Dengan selambenye aku jawap " TAU!!" dengan berlagaknyer die bgtau its effective from 1st February...HELLO BANGAK.. you give me notice tak sampai 2 bodoh ni sambung lagi.." I will try to talk with management to extend you..paling lame pun seminggu" PIIRAH.. kau ingat aku hadap sgt duduk dept. ko..baru masuk dh berlagak bagus..pegilah mati..aku takkan handover keje aku yang menimbun tu...ko carik sendiri....................

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Walking Away

I'm walking away, from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away, oh to find a better day
I'm walking away, from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away, oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

Sometimes some people get me wrong,
when it's something I've said or done
sometimes you feel there is no fun
that's why you turn and run
but now I truly realize
some people don't wanna compromise
well I saw them with my own eyes spreading those lies
and, well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady

I'm walking away, from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away, oh to find a better day
I'm walking away, from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away, oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

Well I'm so tired BULLSHIT
things you say you're driving me away
whispers in the powder room baby
don't listen to the games you play
BULLSHIT I thought you'd realise
I'm not like them other
coz I saw them with my own eyes
you should've been more wise
and well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...aku teringat balik lagu ni
biler terkenakt aku.......BODOH GILER... dulu mase
kat zaman ITM aku dedicatedthis song to my best buddies
n friends..a bit emotional time tu..
tapi lagu ni tak tepat sgt sebenarnyedlm hidup aku mase
tu...but today!!! yes this song definitely kena dalam
diri aku..HUhuhuhu..hari yang paling malang dalam hidup aku..
Tuhan, tolonglah hamba mu yang lemah ini.....

Monday, January 18, 2010


Bosannyer hidup...................hua..keje yang yang membosankan...hari yang membosankan........................SEMUA BOSAN!!! i hate my life..hate my work..hate everything..luv aisy sorang jek.........sorang jek yang buat aku x luv, my everything. :) because of you mama still keje kat tempat yang paling membosankan dlm dunia nid...PENING*** TOOI..tooi..toiiiiiii.. hidup mama pun pening lah aisy..mama confuse@@@ lah masalah nak selesai.... :( :(